I am trying to understand. I am trying to give someone what I lived and I don’t know to whom, but I don’t want it for myself. I don’t know what to do with what I lived, I am scared if that profound disorganization.
Clarice Lispector
I present myself. I present. I represent. I represent myself. I represent ourselves. Representativity. I self-exclude myself. Autobiography. Self-affirmation. Self-Re-presentation. Presenting a dictionary. No. Presenting an encyclopedia. An encyclopedia of movement. A presentation of myself. Me. You. Anyone of us. Or of you. The other. The boundary. Boundary. Border. The boundary smoothness that defines us, that distinguishes us, that associate us. We will be today. Here. Now. I am here. Now.

International Thematic Residency – Almada (Rede More) (21 March 2022-1 April 2022).
Photography by Sezen Tonguz
As a researcher within the intersections of mathematics and performance art, and as a performance artist, I am interested in methodological and aesthetic stereotypes associated with each practice and each research field, proposing different approaches where they intersect and generate tension and discomfort.
In this piece I construct a highly specialised universe with cliché contours, proposing research processes as performative tools, as well as precarious materials being destabilised tools of expectations and performance art as a border landscape.
This deconstructed poetic performance-conference uses a layout inspired on scientific academic, where the state of the art is introduced, then the result is explained as well as the connection with the matierial and ends with a case study.
This performance-conference is also the tension between what we can hear, see, perceive, and that can also be seen from another unaccessible perspective.